Tuesday, November 18, 2008

La Ruta de Ortigueira

Sunday was the day of the St Martin's ruta, a trail ride consisting of more than 200 horses through the town centre to the beach and back. It was basically a parade through the town, consisting mostly of men on stallions with harsh bits, riding in a traditional, but most ridiculous style. You could smell the testosterone in the air. It was like we were about to go to war and the person with the biggest, sweatiest stallion was the most masculine! No one had any control over their horses, mine managed to take off with me on the beach as I was trying to take a photo and it was just a general shambles of a ride. It was fun but I'm glad I wasn't on Chippy because he probably would have had a heart attack over the excitement of it all!

Kenya and I after her bolting on me on the beach

Splashing around

Bootiful boy (the horse, not the man)

Galateya having a stretch

Trotting races, on hard ground, not the best but they've been doing it for years

Chunky boy

The gathering beforehand

The stupid way they ride their horses

Look at the bits - crazy!

Kenya and I. Gumleaves in Spain - hmmm


Baino said...

You're right 200 horses! Our two would have had a spazz attack. Do you remember when we went to riding club and we were separated into different classes, Laurie had a mental! Well Clare, at least you're experiencing rural Spain. Bit different to the horsey set here eh?

Anonymous said...

I knew it....youre not really in spain...youre incognito in Australia!!! Gum Leaves....ha!

It looks bloody cold!

I remember riding Nikki in a parade at windsor and he was very very naughty...there were no where near 200 in that parade and he kicked cars in that were parked on the side of the road...

The black stallion really does look bootiful!
