Thursday, November 1, 2007

How to pass 90 days...

Ok, so according to our handy dandy and extremely highschool-looking countdown timer, it appears that there are less than 90 days until liftoff. When I say ‘only’, I am of course comparing today to the time when there were 273 days to go. So be it 12 weeks, 6 paydays, 3 months or 89 sleeps, its still a feck of a long time away!

The preparations have begun. Jem’s travel folder is tab-categorized, a ‘to do before we go’ and ‘things to take’ list has been written and regular ‘action’ meetings scheduled (well, action meetings really refer to pizza and beer nights, perhaps involving a brief conversation on what we’ll need to take on our trip, in between the 3 consecutive screenings of Elf). We’re so damn organised that there’s really not much else to do for the next 89 sleeps. I’ve been trying to learn Spanish to pass the time, but I fear everything I’ve learnt will seem insignificant once I’m in the realm of the speed-talking-South-American-crazy-people. My vocab so far includes the most important phrases I could find: how to order a draft beer (can also be substituted with sangria, tequila and caprioska), how to ask for a big tall horse, not a pony and how to tell a cab driver to slow down. That’s all I’ll need…surely!

So while I’m preoccupying myself with linguistic skills, Jem goes and falls head over heels for an Aussie bloke – probably not the best idea given the situation, but let’s face it, we’re not going to the moon! All she has to do is embrace the technology she likes to call ‘nerdy’, yet the rest of the world calls ‘effective communication’ (I’m of course referring to Skype – thanks mum, I’m glad you’re savvy) and she’ll be sweet. At least one of us knows how to use a computer! (Love you Jem!) She may even one day contribute to this blog?...........Na.

So now, we wait.

And wait.

Still waiting.


I’m bored…

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Wana go to South America?

Reasons for Departure:

Jem calls Clare, sitting in her room twiddling her thumbs wondering which of the 3 Hills establishments to visit that night, and asks with a bold and direct tone: “Wana go to South America with me?” to which Clare replies “Ok”.

The break up. GymJunkie dumps Clare unceremoniously for the blond receptionist on the day of her final uni presentation. MetroMan leaves Jem unceremoniously for a blond pommy (trend perhaps?). Quite obviously, the best thing to do in this situation is leave the country. It seems to be a great way to avoid all life's problems, never too late to run away right? Even though 9 months down the track we’ve both forgotten who GymJunkie and MetroMan are…

When living your whole life in the mother’s-group-esque community of the Hills District, NSW, Australia, one finds themselves needing to escape after 22/23 years. ‘The Fishbowl’ is full of people who know people who know who your ex hooked up with last weekend, who knows your brother, who has a friend you have a crush on who knows the person at the gym, who also knows your ex. And when your days suddenly become filled with emails resembling tabloid hollywood magazines revealing rumours and gossip about the past week's events, without sounding too cliché (be warned, this blog will be filled with them), you just feel like there’s something more to life…in Rio apparently!

So here you are, the first blog, 119 days before we leave. It’s the the first of many expected amazing stories of our travels, so join us through our experiences, two girls initiating themselves into womanhood – yeah right! (Look out world!) Welcome to Clare & Jem's Excellent Adventures. Remember, be excellent to each other. Party on dudes!

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Testing 1, 2, 3 and a crazy pony.
