The other thing I'd like to randomly mention is the difficulty I seem to be having in picking up Spanish again (gaudium de lingua you may appreciate this). In south america, it was not an effort to pick up the language, it just happened because you had to learn to speak the basics or you didn't eat (or you ate something you just pointed at which usually turned out to be bread with cheese...). It was a smooth process and at the end of a couple of months you find yourself ordering almost anything in another language and you're a little bit chuffed! I know Barcelona is a touristy city but so many times I've been asking people questions in Spanish and they reply in English! Bec's finding people automatically speaking Spanish to her because she has the latin looking complexion, but me with my "english rose" skin - why will no one speak Spanish to me? Its as if they see me coming - a gringo wanting to learn a few words while I'm here for a couple of months, and they just don't even bother obliging me from the start! I'm hoping it gets a little more cultural in the smaller cities but at this rate I'll learn nothing at all!
Oh well, even if I did pick up more Spanish, I'd come home and forget it all anyway. I know its a defeatist attitude but the dream of being multi lingual without the accompanying effort is fading away everyday.... Come on latino man of my dreams who will subsequently teach me the language and produce bilingual children with me!! Now where's that cute hostel owner with his fancy puter.........bye!
Just as long as he's prepared to emigrate! Watch out for those latin lovers now! You? Cook? Paella? Most excellent dude!
hay we can speak ol spaniol! Ci Senore - Ci Senorita - see I listened to Justin Timberlake!!!! I think I might back pack one day with the kids - we have friends that do only that and have a ball and at least 1 overseas holiday a year!!
MMMM Pie ella? Pay ella? Peee Ella? Doesnt matter - just learn and cook it for your rello's!
Luv Ya, P.S. Thanks for the butterflies - they give me WINGS!!! hA HA
When I went to Russia for my 1 month language course for a uni subject, I stayed at a dorm. With the full contingent of international students!!!! Guess what the spoken language was?? Yes... English. I didn't feel that I learned much, other than some grammar and writing skills during the classes we attended to. I agree it sucks when you try to learn a language where it is spoken and people speak English back at you. In retrospect though, I guess that's what I did too, in Turkey, while I was first learning English and wanted to practice. Used to strike up a conversation with any and every foreign guest where I was camping / staying / traveling.
baino - yes, I am cooking! Believe it or not I've got a nice lil repertoire from all these countries!!
babysis - glad you liked the butterflies, Adam was sposed to wait so I could give them as a Chrissy present but at least now you can put them on your tree in December! And yeah, I think the first Spanish words I learnt were from Shakira!
GL - I had a conversation today with a bus driver who didn't speak English and didn't understand a word he was saying other than "beach" and "left" but I felt good nonetheless!!
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