Monday, March 17, 2008

Our porters Hey llama... View from our tent second night Bloody steps... Maccu Picchu!!! Mountains surrounding Maccu Picchu


Baino said...

Eh gringo I want your hat!

estevez said...

Dude, thats amazing!! oh pretty long-eyelashed llama. i'm so glad you didn't let bec talk you out of getting walking shoes, you would be loving them right now!!

estevez said...

by the way, it took me approximately half an hour to successfully post that tiny tiny comment. i keep forgetting how to sign in! i'm drowning in passwords!! gaah

Baino said...

Em, you nit wit you don't have to sign in. Just comment and tick Name/URL, type your name and you're on! Come over and I'll give you a demo!

Excellent Adventures said...

I appreciate the effort emilio! You are a true friend! And yes, I think the male llamas may be slightly resentful as they too look very pretty with those eyelashes!

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhh...i am a nitwit!

thanks mrs bainbridge!!
